Case Study
Experts in Family, Litigation, Construction, Corporate and Conveyancing matters.
Crawford was retained by Patrick Tedstone, Managing Partner, to strengthen and improve the firm, as part of a programme to restructure and develop the partnership.
At the heart of the engagement is further development of the appeal of the firm to both clients and employees, creating a culture where great lawyers are inspired and thrive.
Business disciplines are being implemented alongside cultural change to ensure the sustainability and growth of the firm. Leaders at ORJ work to a mantra of the pursuit of profit within our values; values that prioritise service, flexibility and great outcomes for clients.
Our firm is materially stronger since working with Crawford
Patrick Tedstone, Managing Partner

A close working partnership has developed, between Crawford and ORJ Law. Crawford delivers the full range of their potent mix of consultancy, coaching and non-executive advice.
This includes chairing the monthly management and board meetings, running quarterly strategy meetings, help in delivering the projects that will realise the strategy, coaching and mentoring to senior leaders and the Partners, and help with the recruitment for senior roles.
Services delivered:
- Consultancy
- Non-executive advice
- Coaching and mentoring
- Strategy facilitation
Examples of work carried out:
- Strategy workshops
- KPI design
- Report templates
- Sales incentive plans
- Recruitment
- Coaching and mentoring
- Meeting facilitation
The improved business performance allowed for the buyout of a partner, the first step in a broader restructure, without taking on external funding or impacting cash-flow. Turnover has risen by more than 10% and profits by more than 20% in the first year of the engagement and is forecast to grow by 20% and 40% in year two.
From the client:
Patrick Tedstone, Managing Partner
Crawford helped us design and implement a more robust business model. Our firm is materially stronger since working with Crawford. Crawford was recommended by an industrial client, however, have demonstrated considerable experience and expertise in professional services.
Amongst the long list of improvements Crawford have helped us with, the ones that spring most readily to mind are:
- Greater clarity and perspective of financial analysis
- Clear and reliable indicators of performance
- Design and implementation of new business models
- Greater confidence in the leadership and management teams, speeding up decision making
My specialty is national and international commercial litigation. Having hired counsel for 25 years, I know the most effective barristers correlate the evidence and dispense the best advice in the shortest period. We see those attributes in Crawford.
Crawford is now a key member of our management team. Our firm is materially stronger as a result.